
Tag: Sarah Palin (page 9)

CBS Poll: Women and Palin

In the new CBS News poll, as in other polls, voters now have a more negative view of Gov. Sarah Palin. The poll also finds:

  • 2 out of 3 women who formerly supported Hillary Clinton now support Barack Obama.
  • Among women, Palin's favorability rating has dropped 17 points in three weeks. Her unfavorability rating has increased 15 points.

Details below:

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Biden and Palin Discuss Roe v. Wade

CBS aired the Katie Couric interview of Sen. Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin on Roe v. Wade. The transcript is here.

Think Progress has this portion where they discussed Supreme Court cases and Palin wouldn't or couldn't name any. Transcript below:

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Why McCain is Losing the Battleground States

My view in a nutshell: Gov. Sarah Palin is the reason John McCain is behind in the polls in the battleground states. Yes, the issue on people's minds is the economy. Who would take a chance on having her in charge of economic policy if something happened to McCain?

There's not enough difference between McCain and Obama on the bailout bill. It's Palin that is killing him, particularly, I think, in Florida. No one except evangelicals want an evangelical with extremist views in the White House.

Even if Palin doesn't stumble tomorrow night, the debate won't help McCain .

Unless there's a huge terror or national security threat, areas in which McCain still outpolls Obama, he's history. And Palin sank him. [More...]

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Nurses Organization Releases "Heartbeat Away" Ad Against McCain/Palin

The country's largest union of Registered Nurses with 85,000 members released this ad today in six battleground states -- Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri.

The ad focuses on the possibility of a Sarah Palin presidency due to John McCain's health issues. From the e-mail I received from the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee:

Fostered by the growing concern among healthcare professionals over the health status of Sen. John McCain, the ad also provides a reminder of some of the controversial moments of Palin's record as governor of Alaska and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.


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Palin on Couric: Homosexuality is a Choice

CBS News aired another segment of the Katie Couric - Sarah Palin interview tonight.

Twice, Palin described homosexuality as a choice.

But as for homosexuality, I am not going to judge Americans and the decisions that they make in their adult personal relationships. I have one of my absolute best friends for the last 30 years happens to be gay, and I love her dearly. And she is not my "gay friend," she is one of my best friends, who happens to have made a choice that isn't a choice I would have made. But I am not going to judge people.

Other answers: She couldn't or wouldn't name a single publication or magazine she read before becoming the VP candidate. Couric tried three times, and each time she evaded the question.

She is against abortion even for teens who are victims of rape and incest.


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Alaska Judge to Hold TrooperGate Hearing

There will be a hearing Thursday before an Alaskan judge to decide whether the legislative ethics investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin may proceed.

The lawsuit was filed by five Republicans who say the legislative investigation is partisan, a false claim in my view. Palin wants the Personnel Board, whose members serve under her in the Executive Branch, to decide.

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Palin's Next Couric Gaffe May Be on Ignorance of Supreme Court Cases

Washington Monthly and Atrios have some (albeit not much)sympathy for Gov. Sarah Palin if, as rumored, her next gaffe in the upcoming airing of a new Katie Couric interview shows she couldn't name any Supreme Court cases.

Not me. Lawyers, Guns and Money has a better take.

Oh it's all morbidly fascinating, until somebody gets hurt.

Let's call it what it is: In combination with everything else we know about her, Terrifying.

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McCain Revamps Palin's Debate Prep Team

Apparently, word reached the McCain campaign that Gov. Sarah Palin isn't making a good impression on the national stage. With only three days to go to her debate with Sen. Joe Biden, some major changes have been made.

More broadly, the McCain campaign aims to halt what it sees as a perceived decline in the crispness and precision of Gov. Palin's latest remarks as well as a fall in recent polls, according to several advisers and party officials.

First, she'll be leaving today for McCain's AZ ranch to prep. Second, at her husband's urging, since he believes part of her problem may be that she misses her family and her Alaska staffers, the family and a top aide will be flown to the ranch as well. Third, she will now be prepped by McCain campaign manager Rick Davis and senior adviser Steve Schmidt, as well as McCain's debate coach, Brett O'Donnell. [More...]

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Palin Visits Philly Bar, Will Spend Week at Debate Camp

Where was Gov. Sarah Palin last night? For an hour before the debate started, she was at an Irish pub in Philly, shaking hands and meeting people.

Palin appeared at the bar on 20th and Walnut streets last night to shake hands with her fans for about an hour before the first presidential debate. While the crowd inside was friendly, hundreds of people lined the street outside in protest with signs that read things like "Palin is Santorum With Lipstick."

She didn't take questions. [More...]

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McCain's Desperate Gamble

More and more media articles I'm reading tonight agree: McCain's suspension of his campaign was a political stunt, a second Hail Mary pass to deal with falling poll numbers and growing worry among voters that Sarah Palin just is not qualified or prepared to be Vice President and that he makes rash decisions out of self-interest and tries to pass them off as patriotism.

Here's one I like a lot, it covers almost all the bases: Sell! Sell! McCain is Tanking in the Boston Globe.

Between his grandstanding on the economy today -- claiming he was going to suspend his campaign because his presence was needed in D.C. to ensure a bailout deal was made, when he has little economic expertise and has never served on a banking committee, and then failing to arrive until mid-afternoon, well after Dems and Republicans had crafted their tentative agreement but finding time to appear on all three networks and still refusing to abide by his debate commitment tomorrow night -- and the woefully inept performance of Gov. Sarah Palin on the Katie Couric interview -- he's got to be toast.


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Palin Attacks Obama, Gets Kissinger's Position Wrong

Update: The New York Times reviews Palin's performance and the Kissinger portion described below. Verdict: Her worst so far, and she may not be able to regroup.

I just finished watching the live version of Katie Couric's CBS interview with Sarah Palin. In addition to the sections I wrote up here, there's more.

Katie brought up Palin's meeting with Henry Kissinger this week, mentioning he is for direct diplomacy with Iran and Syria. She asked Palin whether the U.S. should meet with leaders of Iran and Syria.

Palin said you can't meet with leaders like Ahmadinejad without preconditions. She mocked Obama and called his plan to meet with leaders of Iran without preconditions "so off base," "beyond naive" and "beyond bad judgment." She gave Katie a little lecture on what diplomacy means.


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Sarah Palin: Bailout is About Health Care Reform

Unbelievable that Gov. Sarah Palin could be Vice-President of the United States. She's practically sub-verbal and she makes no sense.

Here she is telling Katie Couric the bailout is about health care reform and that reducing taxes must accompany tax reductions. I kid you not.

Transcript below, along with her newest and absurd defense of her Russia is next door comment.

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